Saturday, November 16, 2019


Anchoring is something that can not be learned, it’s within!! The anchor should be proactive, always on the Toes, and most important Observant. Another important aspect is he should be Energetic because Your audience will be like You, If your entry, your presence on stage is Dull your Audience will be super boring. The anchor should inject those positive vibes into the Audience that they should feel pumped up. The Best Anchor in Pune always has the quality to take control of the event in his/her hand.
The anchor should always do some homework before the show like study the show flow and should be always ready with fillers, Interactive Games, Funny and witty.
Another quality of the Best Anchor in Mumbai is one should have a great sense of humor, Punches should be ready and with perfect timing, if an anchor can make Audience laugh he will get hold of them easily. The anchor should have a great voice, not to low and not too loud, it should be soothing to ears and Audience should love to listen.
The Anchor in Pune should have a great personality, Charm, and smile on the face. He should have a good dressing sense as all people are watching him.
A great emcee is always prepared. Hosting an event is not an easy task and needs a lot of preparation and groundwork. A professional emcee will ask dozens of questions and will have lots of queries about the event, the guests, their profile, the content and the purpose of the event. This kind of preparation helps the emcee to be ready with the background of the event, with a lot of relevant information and stories kept on stand-by for use.
Also, communication is not only about speaking but involves a great deal of listening too so a powerful emcee will “listen” for verbal cues from the members of the audience, in the hope of building a dialogue with them. This also helps them to understand the pulse or the mood of the audience and therefore regulating the tempo of the program as desired. You will also notice that a professional emcee will constantly seek feedback which not only helps him to alter his pitch but also gives him the liberty to give the audience what it is looking for. This customization happens on the feet and is completely seamless so that the audience too does not feel the change and simply moves along with the flow.
There is this common notion that in order to become a good emcee, one needs to be extremely gregarious and outgoing. While these qualities are essential, they do not guarantee success at the topmost level. Yes, being cheerful and extroverted does help to a great extent, unless an emcee has a certain amount of flexibility and maturity, the entire package may not seem too attractive in front of an audience.
A quick sense of humor coupled with a clear sense of understanding of the deliverable makes for a great master of ceremonies.

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